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This year, MorningStar Mission Stars of Hope mission project sponsored 10 children for Christmas.

Kids with Backpacks

We also collected donations for SOS

Children's Village. This is

program that sponsors a number of Lockport families and provides them with a gift card during the Christmas Season. FUMC of Lockport was excited to present our gift card donations!

SOS village is in 134 countries. This program helps keep siblings together who are in foster care, as well as providing a private, single family home to grow and develop in with a professionally trained foster parent.


The 1st UMC of Lockport held a donation drive to support Shady Oaks Camp for people with disabilities back in April. Church members and Pastor Kim brought the donations and $1000 check to Shady Oaks Camp. It is an incredible facility and one that we are proud to support!

Donated 32 backpacks filled with school supplies to Catholic Charities for their back to school fair!

First United Methodist Church of Lockport, 1000 S Washington, Lockport, IL 60441 815.838.1017

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