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1st UMC Lockport supports the local township food pantry. The program provides grocery items for area residents all year long and is a tremendous help to families in crisis or living on a fixed income.

On the 1st Sunday of the month during the Children's Sermon, the children pull their wagon up the aisle to collect food and monetary donations. Donations can also be made by contacting the pantry at the phone number below.

Families in need of this service should come to the Lockport Township Supervisors Office at 222 East 9th Street, Lockport and bring proof of residency.



Circle of Love provides diapers, feminine and incontinence products to clients who are qualified to use the local FISH Food Pantry. The program was begun by a Lockport 1st UMC member in 2002 who, while working as a volunteer at the Pantry, saw a number of people with babies coming in with little or no money to buy diapers. She then presented her ideas to our church council which gave their approval and blessing to proceed. She created a process to fund the program and to administer the acquisition and distribution of appropriate products to clients. The client base is built with the cooperation of the FISH Food Pantry which provides clients with authentication forms for the Circle of Love.   Over the past 11 years, Lockport 1st UMC has funded the Circle of Love through direct giving of the congregation as well as administered the program with a volunteer staff of three – five people. The products are distributed weekly at the church, and they are not available through FISH and cannot be purchased with food stamps. The participants are babies, women and the elderly



Our Senior Group, ages 50 and up, married, single, widowers, and widows. The group meets the first Sarurday of each month each month at noon.  This outreach ministry offers a time for fellowship while eating lunch. Monthly topics have ranged from Bring Your Favorite Antique to talks on recent trips made by the members.



Every year we participate in the CROP Hunger Walk which is a community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and organized by religious groups, businesses, schools and others to raise funds to end hunger in the U.S. and around the world. Each local CROP Hunger Walk returns 25 percent of the funds it raises to hunger-fighting programs in its own community.



MorningStar Mission relieves the spiritual and physical hunger of the poor by providing food for the hungry, clothing for the needy, shelter for the homeless and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all. Since 1909, MorningStar Mission serves men, women, children and entire families in Joliet and Will County, offering hope for the hurting through one-time meals and long-term recovery programs

Recently we have supported the programs Jump on the Bus and Stars of Hope providing back to school supplies and Christams presents to families in need. 



During the winter of 1838, the Rev. William S. Chrissey, a Methodist Circuit Rider, organized the first group of Methodist worshippers and working with the Rev. Stephen Beggs of Plainfield added another station to his circuit in Lockport. The first group consisted of 13 members; by June of 1843 there were 30 Methodists gathered for meetings. In July 1849 at a meeting of the members the decision was made to call themselves the Methodist Episcopal Church of Lockport. The cornerstone of a second church building was laid on July


By 1924 the church facilities were no longer adequate for the congregation’s needs and a 2-story cement block addition was added at the rear of the church building. This provided space for classrooms, a kitchen and washrooms.

Then on October 28, 1956 with Rev. Kenneth C. Yeoman officiating, the cornerstone for the present church building was laid. The original limestone church was renovated into an educational building that today houses the Sunday School, church offices, as well as a kitchen, washrooms, and facilities for our Circle of Love diaper ministry.

First United Methodist Church of Lockport, 1000 S Washington, Lockport, IL 60441 815.838.1017

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